Where's the mercy?

Other people seek comfort and comradery when they feel alone, down, and sad but how will you feel if certain people will snob you and refuse to give those things when you need them? What will you do?

Why will they do that? Is it because you turned ugly from being handsome or pretty that's why they're avoiding and fleeing away from you? Or is it because they're jealous of you and love seeing you miserable? 

Will you refuse to give comfort to those people who are miserable, bullied, and oppressed? Can you afford to abandon them in front of you?

Is it all about beautiful appearance? Will you mock a person who suffers from leprosy and other kinds of skin disease iinstead of showing mercy to them?

True beauty comes from within and it can be felt by other people when you show it out.

Lots of people suffers from different kind of afflictions and they need help.

It's kinda disappointing to see that others ridicules and mock someones inhumanely because of his unpleasant looks and suffering. 

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